Cave of the Annunciation
woman from Revelation 12
Woman Clothed with the Sun Trinity frostburg fixed 1 copy
Woman Clothed with the Sun light
When Mahalia Sings the Angels Listen
Vows at Montserrat w 3 Graces
Virgin Disarmed
View from a carrier 2
Three Women Survive the War
Three Prepare for War
Three Endure the War
She didn't recognize him
Woman Clothed with the Sun
Galilee, Dawn 2
Seat of Wisdom predella det
Reine Marie et son Fils
Nun in adoration
Medieval Madonna
Mary's family ---Zachary's gift
Mary's family --Anna and her baby
Maru's family --Joseph's hope
Julian's hazelnut (detail)
Julian and the hazelnut
Inner journey
Heart Immaculate 1991 copy
girl's dream Bayside
Feminine Trinity after Masaccio
Falling Woman
Danse Macabre
Woman on the landing at Annenberg Center Lankenau